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EROC Australia has now closed

End Rape on Campus Australia has now permanently closed.

As of December 5th, 2024, our inboxes and social media are no longer being monitored. Almost 9 years to the day since our founding, we've done the thing that all organisations like ours should be aiming to do - we've advocated ourselves out of business. We're incredibly thankful to everyone who has supported us over the years

The National Student Ombudsman will begin to take complaints from February 2025. If you're a student or former student who is seeking information about the National Student Ombudsman, you can find more information on the Department of Education website here.

If you're a victim-survivor who requires support, please reach out to one of the services below.

If you need immediate support, you can contact 1800 Respect on 1800 737 732 or you can call the sexual assault counselling hotline based in your state or territory.

In an emergency, contact 000.

1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
QLife: 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight)
QLD - Sexual Assault Helpline: 1800 010 120
NSW- NSW Sexual Violence Helpline: 1800 424 017
ACT - Canberra Rape Crisis Centre: 6247 2525
VIC - Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
TAS - 1800MySupport: 1800 697 887
SA - Yarrow Place: 1800 817 421
WA - Sexual Assault Resource Centre: 6458 1828
NT - Sexual Assault Referral Centre: 9822 6472

If you're outside of Australia, you can search NoMore's Global Directory